Valid reasons for planning objections
Relevant objections to planning applications
- overshadowing
- overlooking or loss of privacy
- inadequate parking or servicing
- overbearing nature of proposal
- loss of trees
- loss of ecological habitats
- design and appearance
- layout and density of buildings
- effect on listed building(s) and conservation areas
- access or highways safety
- traffic generation
- noise and disturbance from the scheme
- disturbance from smells
- public visual amenity, but not loss of private individual's view
- flood risk
Irrelevant objections to planning applications
- loss of value to individual property
- loss of view
- boundary disputes including encroachment of foundations, gutters
- private covenants or agreements
- the applicant's personal conduct or history
- the applicant's motives
- potential profit for the applicant or from the application
- private rights to light
- private rights of way
- damage to property
- disruption during any construction phase
- competition or loss of trade
- age, health, status, work patterns of the objector
- time taken to do the work
- capacity of private drains
- building or structural techniques
- alcohol or gaming licences